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    How to Lose Weight by Walking in Place in Your Bedroom

    Walking for fitness burns up to 300 calories per hour, according to Harvard Health Publications, and is simple to do, even in the comfort of your bedroom. Walking in place is just as effective as walking on a track; all you need is enough space to march, supportive shoes and comfortable clothing. The key to weight loss while walking is raising your heart rate to 50 to 80 percent of your maximum heart rate for a minimum of 20 minutes a day, notes the American Council on Exercise. You can achieve this pace by varying your in-place walking movements and adding arm movements.

    A man is stretching on a mat in his bedroom. (Image: Wavebreakmedia Ltd/Wavebreak Media/Getty Images)

    Step 1

    Walk in place during commercials. A simple way to begin a walking program is to stand up and walk in place during the commercials of your favorite TV show. Make sure you have enough space to walk in place comfortably, turn on your favorite TV show, and during every commercial stand up and walk. During a 30-minute TV show, you can get in a total of 12 minutes of walking time; during a one-hour show, you can log up to 24 minutes of cardio.

    Step 2

    Add arm exercises to your in-place walk. Performing arm exercises during your walk can increase your calorie burn by 100 calories and tighten and tone your arms. Simple exercises to add to your in-place walk are bicep curls, shoulder presses and triceps kickbacks.

    To perform a biceps curl, begin with both arms straight down at your sides. Turn your palms to face forward, make a fist or hold a lightweight dumbbell, and curl your arms up toward your shoulders at the same time. Lower slowly, using resistance, and repeat 10 to 15 times. Change up your pace by alternating the bicep curls for one set of 15 to 20. A shoulder press begins by holding your elbows up to shoulder level, with your palms facing forward. Press both arms up at the same time toward the ceiling, arms next to your ears, and then slowly lower back down. Repeat the movement 10 to 15 times. A triceps kickback should begin with both elbows slightly lifted behind your torso; extend both of your hands back at the same time until your arms are straight and you feel the backs of your arms tighten. Hold the extension and then slowly bring your hands back to starting position. Repeat 10 to 15 times. All of these exercises may be done with lightweight dumbbells to increase intensity.

    Step 3

    Vary your pace and add different leg movements. To increase the intensity of your walk, vary your speed by walking at a fast pace for two minutes, then at a regular pace for four minutes. Adding this fast pace will increase your calorie burn by up to 50 extra calories for a 30-minute walk. Adding leg movements such as kicks and high knee lifts will also increase the intensity for faster weight loss.


    Always consult your doctor prior to beginning any new exercise or diet program.