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    Recovery Week After a Half Marathon

    You just ran 13.1 miles - what are you going to do next? The answer: recover. The recovery period after a half marathon is just as important as the preparation, and the week following the big race can be extremely important to your overall health. With ample amounts of rest, proper hydration and light exercise, you should achieve a smooth recovery.

    Post-race and Day One

    Half marathon recovery week begins the moment you cross the finish line on race day. The most important thing to remember during this time is: hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Consume beverages that contain electrolytes because your body will most likely be deficient in them. Be sure to get plenty of rest and abstain from any kind of exercise. Post-race and day one are all about hydration and rest.

    Day Two and Day Three

    Continue to get plenty of rest on days two and three, and allow your body to take a break from exercise. Your muscles need adequate time to rest and recover from the physical exertion of running more than 13 miles. Continue to hydrate, and make sure you are eating well-balanced meals that contain plenty of fiber and protein. This period is all about replenishing lost stores of vitamins and nutrients and continuing to allow your muscles to rest.

    Day Four and Day Five

    Beginning on day four, you may begin to engage in light amounts of exercise. Cross-training is recommended because it can encourage the use of muscles that you haven't been using while running. Yoga is also a good choice because it encourages stretching and flexibility. Continue consuming plenty of water and healthy foods during this time, and consider scheduling a massage to help heal sore muscles. Days four and five are all about gradually introducing your body back to light exercise and stretching.

    Day Six and Day Seven

    Muscle soreness from the half marathon should begin to subside by day six, and you may feel like your body is beginning to feel normal again. It is important to remember during this time that your body is still in recovery mode, and you should resist any urge to amp up your workouts too quickly. The rule of thumb is to take one day of rest for every mile you ran, so for a half marathon you can plan on allowing nearly two weeks for a full recovery. Days six and seven, and the entire second week should be all about gradually introducing your body back to moderate amounts of exercise while allowing for plenty of rest.