Upper Inner Chest Exercises

The chest is made up primarily of the pectoralis major muscle. This muscle is divided into two parts for the inner and upper chest. Several exercises work these parts of the chest individually and simultaneously. To get the best results in your upper inner chest, perform two to three sets of eight to 12 repetitions of each exercise on three nonconsecutive days a week.

Pec Deck Workout
This exercise targets the inner part of the pectoralis major. Sit at a pec deck machine with your arms open, horizontal and bent at the elbows. Grasp the handles of the machine with an overhand grip and place your forearms against the pads. Inhale and bring your elbows together, squeezing your chest muscles at then end of the movement. Exhale and return to the starting position.
Cable Standing Fly
This exercise provides an intense workout for your upper inner chest. Stand between two high-cable machines with your legs slightly apart. Grasp the handles of each cable and lean your torso forward a bit with your arms spread apart and your elbows slightly bent. Inhale and squeeze your arms together until they cross. Exhale at the end of the contraction, then carefully return to the starting position.
Incline Dumbbell
This exercise primarily targets the upper part of your chest. Sit on an incline bench angled between 45 and 60 degrees. Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your arms extended vertically above your chest and your palms facing. Maintain a slight bend in your elbows throughout the exercise to prevent unnecessary stress on your joints. Inhale and extend your arms to horizontal, then raise your arms back to vertical while exhaling. Squeeze your chest muscles at the end of the movement.
Incline Bench Press
The incline bench press mainly works your upper chest. Sit on an incline bench angled at 45 to 60 degrees. Grasp a barbell with an overhand grip wider than your shoulders. Inhale and lower the barbell to your chest. Press the bar back up to the starting position by extending your arms. Exhale at the end of the movement. You also can use dumbbells for this exercise.
Decline Pushup with Hands Close Together
Your upper inner chest is targeted when performing decline pushups with your hands close together. Support yourself face down on the ground with your feet elevated on a sturdy bench or chair. Position your hands as close as you comfortably can, at least narrower than shoulder-width. With your back straight and your abdominal muscles contracted, inhale and bend your elbows to bring your chest to the ground while keeping your body in a straight line. Push your body back up by extending your arms. Exhale at the end of the movement.