Breakfast Diet for Gastritis
Eating during gastritis can be challenging. Any time your stomach is inflamed or swollen, you may loose your appetite, become full easily and vomit after eating. Eating foods for breakfast that are easy on your stomach and will help promote regular bowel movements may help your condition. Before changing your diet, talk with your doctor. Not all forms of gastritis require a change in diet. A common complication of gastritis is dehydration, which can be prevented by increasing your liquid intake.
Foods to Avoid
Avoid all breakfast foods that are high in fat or grease, such as bacon, sausage, or other breakfast meats. Dairy products should be avoided, such as cheese, milk in your cereal or creamer in coffee. Avoid foods that are high in sugar, such as jelly, syrup or honey. Avoid beverages that contain caffeine, such as tea, coffee or energy drinks. Eating these foods can cause greater irritation to the lining of your stomach, causing your symptoms to become worse. Do not eat overeat or eat foods in large quantities. Eat your breakfast in small but frequent portions.
Foods to Eat
Eat foods that are easy to digest and will keep your regular. The BRAT diet is a recommended diet by BRAT stands for "banana, rice, apple sauce and toast." Eat these foods while you have symptoms of gastritis. The rice and toast should be white so you avoid eating too much fiber. Do not add anything to these foods, such as condiments, spices or sweeteners. Include plain, low-fat yogurt in your diet to help heal your stomach and increase the amount of white blood cell production, according to Yogurt contains live bacteria that promote digestive health.
Increase the amount of liquid you drink with breakfast. Do not drink large amounts of liquid at one time because this could extend your stomach too fast, causing you to vomit. Drink frequently in small amounts. Avoid beverages that contain dairy or caffeine. Increase the amount of watery, herbal teas, fruit juices and broth. If you have a difficult time keeping liquids in your stomach, sip on teaspoons of fruit juice or suck on a fruit juice pop. Drink sports beverages that are infused with electrolytes to help prevent dehydration.
If you develop vomiting for more than one day or diarrhea for more than three days, you need to call your doctor. Developing a fever may be a sign of a more serious problem or a secondary infection.