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    Does Pineapple Help You Lose Weight?

    Foods that support weight loss always merit recognition. Some studies indicate that pineapple may assist in reducing body fat, although the scientific evidence for these claims tends to be equivocal, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Pineapples do contain multiple core vitamins, minerals, and enzymes however, all of which encourage overall health and may contribute to healthy weight loss and maintenance.

    Person biting into a pineapple slice. (Image: Medioimages/Photodisc/Photodisc/Getty Images)


    Classed as a proteolytic enzyme, bromelain helps break down proteins and exists in the stem and the juice of a pineapple. Historically, bromelain has been used as a digestive aid. Scarce scientific proof definitively links bromelain to weight loss, however, a properly functioning digestive system contributes to overall health as well as weight loss and weight maintenance.

    Vitamin C

    Some studies link the presence of vitamin C with increased fat metabolism. University of Arizona researchers presented a study at the 2006 Experimental Biology symposium wherein a placebo-controlled, double-blind trial of 20 obese women and men showed improvements in their ability to oxidize fat following a low-fat diet with vitamin C supplementation. Volunteers who exhibited the lowest concentrations of vitamin C had the highest body fat mass. Lead researcher, Professor Carol Johnson, and her team considered a possible link between vitamin C deficiency and body fat retention. Vitamin C plays an essential role in the synthesis of carnitine, an amino acid in charge of the transportation of fatty acids, according to Johnson. Pineapples provide rich sources of vitamin C.


    Pineapples possess fiber, which certain studies suggest may discourage weight gain, particularly around the abdomen. Fruits such as pineapple tend to normalize blood sugar levels. This fact in turn curbs appetite, which naturally furthers weight loss goals, according to the Harvard School of Public Health.


    Pineapples offer a healthy snack alternative. According to the American Dietetic Association, pineapples substitute nicely for higher calorie sweets. Especially as a late-night snack, pineapples net a small caloric load while soothing sugary cravings.


    Any weight-loss program gains a head start when low calorie, high fiber, nutrient-dense foods take precedence over high calorie, high fat ones. Pineapples offer a healthful alternative to sweet foods with minimal caloric intake and can contribute to weight loss if eaten alongside other low-fat foods in conjunction with exercise.